Food Education

Helping Your Baby To Sleep Better With Good Nutrition

Eating well is critical for children’s healthy development. Studies indicate that good nutrition and quality sleep go hand in hand. Sleep is essential for growing children in many ways. When children’s nutritional needs are met, they are more likely to sleep better at night.

Most people know that we need to consume food to have the strength to work. However, families often do not always know what it means to eat well. Low-income families may struggle to achieve this with limited resources. Nutritional problems can develop when people are not educated about nutrition.

When families consume food that is safe and of high quality, nutritional diseases such as malnutrition, hypocalcemia, osteomalacia, scurvy, rickets, vitamin deficiencies, pellagra, xerophthalmia, and Iron deficiency, can be prevented when a healthy balanced diet is encouraged from a young age.

When babies get older, they go through several stages of development, and they will adopt new feeding methods and skills (like chewing or swallowing) as time goes by. Nutrition and sleep are both equally important during this period, with newborns needing between 14 and 17 hours of quality sleep every day.

It is important to have a consistent sleep schedule for your baby without missing their feeding time. Fortunately, parents have access to many digital tools to help them manage their baby’s daily sleep and feeding schedules. Parents prefer the cry it out method (CIO) as it can help babies to sleep through the night, making it easier to plan feeding times.

Sleep training techniques for babies have been used for centuries. The CIO method, also known as the extinction method, can teach babies to fall asleep on their own without being cradled or waiting for feeding time before falling asleep. Babies that follow a healthy diet and a consistent sleep schedule will be happier and healthier.

Methods for Preparing Homemade Baby Food

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